Wednesday 10 November 2010

HCIM1 Radio Municipal "La Voz de Imbabura", Ibarra 1050

Yeah! I know I have mentioned before, and I know I'll mention again, that October 19 was an absolutely fantastic day for hearing AM radio stations from Latin America. The minutes around 06 UTC was a golden moment, and gave the far best conditions towards Ecuador and Colombia I've ever experienced.

Checking 1050 kHz a few days later gave me a minor chock - I wasn't too surprised hearing Ecuador there, but expected it to be Radio Águila which I had heard on September 4. But hearing announcements and identifications from Radio Municipal "La Voz de Imbabura" from Ibarra, Provincia de Imbabura, was an experience out of this world. And what a signal!

Today I received a long and very friendly email from Eduardo Vásquez Terán, confirming this reception. The station has a live feed on the web at and at 16.00 Ecuador time today they were going to mention my reception report. Unfortunately I was home too late to hear this.

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